Home Visits in Brooklyn
There's nowhere more convenient than your own home
Home based therapy is great for a lot of reasons. Obviously it's much easier for people who are recovering from surgery or who have limited mobility. But there are a lot of other reasons many people prefer home visits.

Childcare Demands
Getting out for therapy with a new baby can be challenging to say the least. That’s why I offer home visits so that you don’t have the added worry and expense of childcare. In your own home I can teach you things like proper body mechanics for lifting your baby out of the crib, as well as new postural strategies for sitting while breastfeeding or during playtime on the floor.
Some patients would rather not be treated in the middle of a large gym full of people. Your home provides a private and familiar environment so you can focus on your rehab without distraction.
On Site Ergonomics
With so many people now working remotely from home, understanding how to set up an ergonomically sound workstation is more important than ever. I make on-site visits and make recommendations for modifying your work environment to prevent injury, whether its at a proper desk, dining room table, or kitchen counter. In addition, many chronic problems are exacerbated by common, everyday activities that occur in your home, like how you recline on the couch or sleep in your bed. I can evaluate your home for these risks and recommend ergonomic solutions to correct them.